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Hey everyone! This is Julia, lead singer of Small Spaces. As we're coming up on our first EP's release party on April 6th, I thought we should take a moment to introduce ourselves - the people, the power, the poppy pontifications of Small Spaces.

Our band is around 4 years into this whole band thing, and it's taken us that long to get an EP together. Not too bad considering our bassist, Sonia, had never really played bass before joining the band, Isaac hadn't ventured out of his room to play drums in front of anyone, and I had only done four or five mildly embarassing open-mic nights, shakily humming and strumming to a bored audience of 12 at most. Ralf is the only one who had any real experience when joining Small Spaces, and he definitely played band-dad for the first year or so (he even used to set up the gear for me and Sonia before gigs because we didn't understand where all the wires were supposed to go - *shudder*).

But now we're all grown up! Sonia holds a kickass rhythm on her truly gorgeous bass, Isaac doesn't turn his head completely away from the audience anymore when he's playing, and my voice gets more powerful and condifent with every new song. Ralf has even broadened his skills, moving away from his well-treaded shreddy-rock history and onto the path of Small Spaces, sometimes poppy, sometimes rockish, often catchy and always a good time.

Today we're playing the Downtown Redlands Art Walk for the fifth time. We've played this event every single time its come around, and it's been amazing watching it grow along with us. We started off playing a 20 minute set towards the beginning of the day, and today we're playing 45 minutes in the last slot (5pm)! If you're in a band, you understand that more time and later slots mean you're stepping up in the world (unless of course it's 2 hours on a Tuesday starting at midnight - then you're just screwed).

We're also excited to be playing right after Desert Animals, a band that features one of our buddies, Christoforos, as guitarist! One of the best things about being in a band is meeting and playing with other local musicians.

It's been quite a ride so far, and we're stoked to see what comes next.

Signing off,


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